Co-Occurance Matrix

This blog contains an explanation and tutorial to create word embeddings via co-occurance matrix and svd


A computer cannot understand the language of humans. It can do a lot by understanding where and how words occur in a sentence, but it still cannot understand the semantics of a word. To map the human semantic space into something which a computer can understand, compute and work with, Word-Embedding Space is created. This is an n-dimensional vector space where each vector within it represents a word. Words similar in meaning are close together, and words that are opposites are farther apart.


The problem here is that we are given a huge .json file which contains bunch of reviews. Our goal is to create a word embedding space by it so that we can represent all the words and their meaning via n-dimensional vectors

Preparing Data

Data preparation for the task is quite simple, we will extract the reviews and tokenize them. We will not be removing stop words or lemmatizing since all high frequency words are important.

First, we read the reviews from given json file. I have used ijson, which is a library which helps in iteratively parse huge json files (instead of loading the whole file to the RAM). I have also used spacy for tokenizing since its one of the best at it.

The below code is simple to understand, I have created a class which creates our vocabulary, and tokenizes the sentences. There are various methods to do this but I felt this was a really cool and modular way to achieve this!

import ijson
import spacy

class Data:
  def __init__(self):

      # All the variables in uppercase are globally defined constants
      self.path = PATH
      self.limit = LIMIT
      self.window = WINDOW
      self.nlp = spacy.load(DATASET)
      self.word2index = {}
      self.index2word = {}
      self.vocab = []
      self.index = 0
  def getSentences(self):
      return self.sentences

  def getVocab(self):
      return self.word2index, self.index2word, self.index, self.vocab

  def readJSON(self, limit, path):

      # Reading sentences line by line
      sentences = []
      f = open(path)
      for item in ijson.items(f, 'reviewText', multiple_reviews=True):
          if len(sentences) == limit:
      return sentences

  def addWords(self, word):

      # Adding words to vocabulary (if they don't exist in it previously)
      if word not in self.word2index:
          self.word2index[word] = self.index
          self.index2word[self.index] = word
          self.index += 1
  def createVocab(self, sentences):

      # Going line by line and token by token
      for sent in sentences:
          words = self.nlp(sent)
          for word in words:

  def handle(self):
      self.sentences = self.readJSON(self.limit, self.path)

Creating Co-Occurance Matrix

Usually, the limit of numpy matrices are around the region of 1e5*1e5. In some cases, the data might exceed this limit, hence I have used sparse matrices (so that all the cases are covered). Sparse matrices are able to hold larger matrices given that they are sparse in nature (mostly 0s).

I have used lil_matrix to create the sparse matrix, you can also use csr_matrix instead.

I have also used svds, which is a function which returns the Singular Value Decomposition matrices given a matrix and is optimised to work on sparse matrices. You can also use truncated_svd in place of it.

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix

class Matrix:
  def __init__(self, sentences, nlp, word2index, index2word, index, vocab):

      # Window refers to the window size for calculating co-occurances
      # K refers to the truncated value of svd we will be taking
      self.sentences = sentences
      self.nlp = nlp
      self.window = WINDOW
      self.word2index = word2index
      self.index2word = index2word
      self.index = index
      self.vocab = vocab
      self.k = K

  def getEmbeddings(self):
      return self.embeddings

  def getMatrix(self):
      return self.matrix

  def wordEmbeddings(self, word):
      return self.embeddings[self.word2index[word]]

  def moveWindow(self, matrix, window, sentences):

      # Going window to window to increment all co-occuring words
      for sent in sentences:
          words = self.nlp(sent)
          for i in range(0, len(words) - window + 1):
              for j in range(i + 1, i + window + 1):
                  if j < len(words):
                      i_index = self.word2index[words[i].text]
                      j_index = self.word2index[words[j].text]
                      matrix[i_index, j_index] += 1
                      matrix[j_index, i_index] += 1

      return matrix

  def getSVD(self, matrix):

      # Performing Single Value Decomposition on matrix and taking top k columns
      # The word embeddings is the right matrix, and hence we return only that
      right, sigma, left_t = svds(matrix, self.k)
      return right

  def handle(self):
      self.matrix = lil_matrix((self.index, self.index), dtype=np.float)
      self.matrix = self.moveWindow(self.matrix, self.window, self.sentences)
      self.embeddings = self.getSVD(self.matrix)


712 Words

2021-09-13 08:30 +0530